Safety is the Foundation of Everything We Do!
OWN Your Safety was founded to address a critical and missing need within the ground disturbance industry- Utility Infrastructure Awareness (UIA). UIA training starts with keeping workers safe through KNOWING. To reduce the risk of an underground utility strike and mitigate the exposure to liabilities, workers need to understand the complex utility locates process from beginning to end.
For over 25 years, Grant Piraine has been at the frontline of excavation work, underground utility detection, training and the development of best practices. He is the founder of OnSite Locates Inc., a successful utility locate company in Ontario that quickly grew to become one of Ontario’s most reputable utility locate contracting companies, specializing in;
Private locates
Subsurface Utility Engineering & Mapping
Mr. Piraine has been an active member within the Ontario Region Common Ground Alliance (ORCGA) since 2005, co-author of the ORCGA Damage Prevention Technician (DPT) Training Manual and former DPT Course Trainer.
He's collaborated with a team of subject matter professionals who specialize in a variety of fields to offer clients the most comprehensive Excavation Safety Solution on the market today. Our subject matter professionals specialize in:
Utility Locate Awareness Education and Training
Utility Locates
Utility Damage Investigations and Reporting
Insurance Claims and Underwriting Consulting
Claims Negotiations
Expert Witness Testimony
Workplace Safety ​​
Excavation Policies and Procedures
Our Vision
To Educate and Train EVERYONE involved in excavation activities- KNOW Before You Dig!
Our Mission
To provide individuals and organizations involved in excavation with innovative and ground breaking utility infrastructure awareness education, consulting and investigative services to OWN their safety.
KNOW Your Before You DigTM
What We Offer
Utility Infrastructure Safety Solution
Own Your Safety's. Utiltiy Infrastrcutre Safety Solution is Ontario's only training, auditing and investigative service provider. Our simple, online E-learning service makes user management, renewals, auditing, and document administration Fast - Convenient - Cost Effective. Our Excavation Safety Solutions service offers clients:
Field, Management and C-level Safety Training- Utility Infrastructure Awareness
Auditing of Safe Excavation Policies and Procedures
Creation of Excavation Policies and Procedures
Damage Investigation and Reporting
Consulting and Investigation Services
Own Your Safety. delivers a cost-effective, unbiased consulting and investigative service for:
Insurance Claims and Underwriting
Mediation & Litigation
Damage Investigations and Reporting